Recorded with an HD webcam and edited with kdenlive by yours truly to condense twitch irl streams into a more digestible content format.
Twice a week we sit in the kitchen to open wines and discuss them. It could be worse but I take wine very seriously.
Blog about travel, hotels and adventures in the first person. It began to relate a trip to the Guianas in which I was going to have very limited internet connection and one thing led to another. I must have like 20 posts in draft because having a travel blog is a lot of work…
Vanilla Tumblr, my own personal scrapbook. There is no porn because I never knew how to use tumblr well so it has survived for eons. Something I find out here and there plus some of my own content.
Erasing with a finger the line between fiction and non-fiction. Short texts of very poor literary quality but that have garnered furious fans at the dawn of social networks. The oldest of my own content hubs that is still standing.